From 016e1d8d760113a64afcc5d516f08010cb566d68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fxqnlr <>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2023 13:43:52 +0200
Subject: added multithreaded downloads and progressbar

 src/ | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

(limited to 'src/')

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a4c128e..a4a1d3b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 use futures_util::StreamExt;
+use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle, MultiProgress};
 use reqwest::Client;
+use tokio::task::JoinSet;
 use std::{
     fs::{copy, read_dir, remove_file, rename, File},
-    io::Write,
+    io::Write, cmp::min,
 use crate::{
@@ -15,83 +17,123 @@ use crate::{
-pub async fn download_versions(list: List, config: Cfg, versions: Vec<Version>) -> MLE<String> {
-    let mut cached = get_cached_versions(&config.cache);
+pub async fn download_versions(list: List, config: Cfg, versions: Vec<Version>) -> MLE<()> {
+    let cached = get_cached_versions(&config.cache);
     // println!("{:#?}", cached);
-    let dl_path = String::from(&list.download_folder);
+    // println!("  └Download mods to {}", dl_path);
+    let mp = MultiProgress::new();
-    println!("  └Download mods to {}", dl_path);
+    let mut js = JoinSet::new();
+    let style = ProgressStyle::with_template("{}{msg}\t[{}] {bytes}/{total_bytes}")
+        .unwrap()
+        .progress_chars("#>-");
     for ver in versions {
-        let project_info = mods_get_info(config.clone(), &ver.project_id)?;
-        //Check cache if already downloaded
-        let c = cached.remove(&;
-        if c.is_some() {
-            print!(
-                "\t└({})Get version {} from cache",
-                project_info.title,
-            );
-            //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
-            std::io::stdout().flush()?;
-            copy_cached_version(&c.unwrap(), &dl_path);
-            println!(" ✓");
-        } else {
-            print!("\t└({})Download version {}", project_info.title,;
-            //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
-            std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
-            let files = ver.files;
-            let file = match files.clone().into_iter().find(|f| f.primary) {
-                Some(f) => f,
-                None => files[0].clone()
-            };
-            let mut splitname: Vec<&str> = file.filename.split('.').collect();
-            let extension = match splitname.pop().ok_or("") {
-                Ok(e) => e,
-                Err(..) => return Err(MLError::new(ErrorType::Other, "NO_FILE_EXTENSION")),
-            };
-            let filename = format!(
-                "{}.mr.{}.{}.{}",
-                splitname.join("."),
-                ver.project_id,
-      ,
-                extension
-            );
-            download_file(
-                file.url,
-                list.clone().download_folder,
-                filename.clone(),
-            )
-            .await?;
-            println!(" ✓");
-            //Copy file to cache
-            print!("\t  └Copy to cache");
-            //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
-            std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
-            let dl_path_file = format!("{}/{}", list.download_folder, filename);
-            let cache_path = format!("{}/{}", &config.clone().cache, filename);
-            // println!("{}:{}", dl_path_file, cache_path);
-            copy(dl_path_file, cache_path)?;
-            println!(" ✓");
-        }
+        let p = mp.add(ProgressBar::new(1));
+        p.set_style(style.clone());
+        js.spawn(download_version(config.clone(), list.clone(), ver, cached.clone(), p));
+    }
+    mp.clear().unwrap();
+    while js.join_next().await.is_some() {}
+    Ok(())
+async fn download_version(config: Cfg, list: List, version: Version, mut cached: HashMap<String, String>, progress: ProgressBar) -> MLE<()> {
+    let project_info = mods_get_info(config.clone(), &version.project_id)?;
+    let dl_path = String::from(&list.download_folder);
+    progress.set_message(String::from(&;
+    //Check cache if already downloaded
+    let c = cached.remove(&;
+    if c.is_some() {
+        print!(
+            "\t└({})Get version {} from cache",
+            project_info.title,
+        );
+        //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
+        std::io::stdout().flush()?;
+        copy_cached_version(&c.unwrap(), &dl_path);
+        println!(" ✓");
+    } else {
+        // print!("\t└({})Download version {}", project_info.title,;
+        //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
+        std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
+        let files = version.files;
+        let file = match files.clone().into_iter().find(|f| f.primary) {
+            Some(f) => f,
+            None => files[0].clone()
+        };
+        let mut splitname: Vec<&str> = file.filename.split('.').collect();
+        let extension = match splitname.pop().ok_or("") {
+            Ok(e) => e,
+            Err(..) => return Err(MLError::new(ErrorType::Other, "NO_FILE_EXTENSION")),
+        };
+        let filename = format!(
+            "{}.mr.{}.{}.{}",
+            splitname.join("."),
+            version.project_id,
+  ,
+            extension
+        );
+        download_file(
+            &file.url,
+            &list.download_folder,
+            &filename,
+            &progress
+        )
+        .await?;
+        // println!(" ✓");
+        //Copy file to cache
+        // print!("\t  └Copy to cache");
+        //Force flush of stdout, else print! doesn't print instantly
+        std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
+        let dl_path_file = format!("{}/{}", list.download_folder, filename);
+        let cache_path = format!("{}/{}", &config.clone().cache, filename);
+        // println!("{}:{}", dl_path_file, cache_path);
+        copy(dl_path_file, cache_path)?;
+        // println!(" ✓");
-    Ok(dl_path)
+    progress.finish_with_message(format!("✓{}",;
+    Ok(())
-async fn download_file(url: String, path: String, name: String) -> MLE<()> {
+async fn download_file(url: &str, path: &str, name: &str, progress: &ProgressBar) -> MLE<()> {
     let dl_path_file = format!("{}/{}", path, name);
-    let res = Client::new().get(String::from(&url)).send().await?;
+    let res = Client::new().get(url).send().await?;
+    let size = res.content_length().expect("Couldn't get content length");
+    progress.set_length(size);
+    // progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::with_template("{}{msg}\t[{}] {bytes}/{total_bytes}").unwrap().progress_chars("#>-"));
     // download chunks
     let mut file = File::create(&dl_path_file)?;
     let mut stream = res.bytes_stream();
+    let mut downloaded: u64 = 0;
     while let Some(item) = {
         let chunk = item?;
+        // Progress bar
+        let new = min(downloaded + (chunk.len() as u64), size);
+        downloaded = new;
+        progress.set_position(new);
+        // std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100));
cgit v1.2.3