use futures_util::{StreamExt, SinkExt}; use indicatif::MultiProgress; use reqwest::StatusCode; use serde::Deserialize; use tokio_tungstenite::{connect_async, tungstenite::Message}; use crate::{error::CliError, default_headers, ErrorResponse, format_url, Protocols, OVERVIEW_STYLE, DEFAULT_STYLE, DONE_STYLE, finish_pb, ERROR_STYLE, OVERVIEW_ERROR, OVERVIEW_DONE, add_pb}; pub async fn start(id: String, ping: bool) -> Result<(), CliError> { let send_start = MultiProgress::new(); let overview = add_pb(&send_start, OVERVIEW_STYLE, format!("start {}", id)); // TODO: calculate average start-time on server let url = format_url("start", Protocols::Http)?; let connect = add_pb(&send_start, DEFAULT_STYLE, format!("connect to {}", url)); let res = reqwest::Client::new() .post(url) .headers(default_headers()?) .body( format!(r#"{{"id": "{}", "ping": {}}}"#, id, ping) ) .send() .await .map_err(CliError::Reqwest)?; finish_pb(connect, "connected, got response".to_string(), DONE_STYLE); let res_pb = add_pb(&send_start, DEFAULT_STYLE, "analyzing response".to_string()); match res.status() { StatusCode::OK => { let body = serde_json::from_str::( &res.text().await.map_err(CliError::Reqwest)? ) .map_err(CliError::Serde)?; if body.boot { finish_pb(res_pb, "sent start packet".to_string(), DONE_STYLE); } if ping { let status = status_socket(body.uuid, &send_start).await?; if status { finish_pb(overview, format!("successfully started {}",, OVERVIEW_DONE); } else { finish_pb(overview, format!("error while starting {}",, OVERVIEW_ERROR); } } }, _ => { let body = serde_json::from_str::( &res.text().await.map_err(CliError::Reqwest)? ) .map_err(CliError::Serde)?; res_pb.finish_with_message(format!("✗ got error: {}", body.error)); } } Ok(()) } async fn status_socket(uuid: String, pb: &MultiProgress) -> Result { // TODO: Remove unwraps let ws_pb = add_pb(pb, DEFAULT_STYLE, "connect to websocket".to_string()); let (mut ws_stream, _response) = connect_async(format_url("status", Protocols::Websocket)?) .await .expect("Failed to connect"); finish_pb(ws_pb, "connected to websocket".to_string(), DONE_STYLE); ws_stream.send(Message::Text(uuid.clone())).await.unwrap(); let msg_pb = add_pb(pb, DEFAULT_STYLE, "await message".to_string()); let msg =; finish_pb(msg_pb, "received message".to_string(), DONE_STYLE); ws_stream.close(None).await.unwrap(); let v_pb = add_pb(pb, DEFAULT_STYLE, "verify response".to_string()); let res = verify_response(msg.unwrap().to_string(), uuid)?; match res { Verified::WrongUuid => { finish_pb(v_pb, "returned wrong uuid".to_string(), ERROR_STYLE); Ok(false) }, Verified::ResponseType(res_type) => { match res_type { ResponseType::Start => { finish_pb(v_pb, "device started".to_string(), DONE_STYLE); Ok(true) }, ResponseType::Timeout => { finish_pb(v_pb, "ping timed out".to_string(), ERROR_STYLE); Ok(false) }, ResponseType::NotFound => { finish_pb(v_pb, "unknown uuid".to_string(), ERROR_STYLE); Ok(false) }, } } } } fn verify_response(res: String, org_uuid: String) -> Result { let spl: Vec<&str> = res.split('_').collect(); let res_type = spl[0]; let uuid = spl[1]; if uuid != org_uuid { return Ok(Verified::WrongUuid) }; Ok(Verified::ResponseType(ResponseType::from(res_type)?)) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct StartResponse { boot: bool, id: String, uuid: String, } enum Verified { ResponseType(ResponseType), WrongUuid } enum ResponseType { Start, Timeout, NotFound, } impl ResponseType { fn from(value: &str) -> Result { match value { "start" => Ok(ResponseType::Start), "timeout" => Ok(ResponseType::Timeout), "notfound" => Ok(ResponseType::NotFound), _ => Err(CliError::WsResponse), } } }